Note: For the bosses, what had more value ? A lumberjack or a horse? Why?

“A company manager cynically stated that the death of a horse had a greater impact on his company than the death of a man because it cost nothing to replace a man but money for a horse. This theory is probably due to the fact the horse was used as the unit of production in this region. On the North Shore, the horse is considered to be the most part of the site, and it is the basis for all calculations. Each  horse on a site must produce so many thousands of feet of lumber, and this amount multiplied by the number of horses equals the season’s production.”

Source of extract: Free translation of L.-P. Côté, L’Esclavage au royaume du Saguenay : dépouillés, exploités, esclaves dans notre propre province : un monument à la honte du régime. s.n., 1926. Document qui se retrouve sur le site Les classiques des sciences sociales,